Halloween hot tub party ideas

Halloween falls at a time of year when it is colder outside and the idea of going out in a not-particularly-warm costume is maybe slightly less appealing. So, why not celebrate Halloween in a hot tub where you can be warm and cosy? Your very own Lay-Z-Spalloween treat. We have put together some of the best ideas for a Halloween hot tub party that can be fun, relaxed and maybe a little bit spooky too.

Spooky Hot Tub Lighting

If you own a Lay-Z-Spa with lights you can set them to Halloween-worthy colours such as solid green or red. Then, it’ll be like you are sitting in a giant bubbling and steaming cauldron. If you don’t have a Lay-Z-spa with lights, we have many options available.

Halloween Hot Tub Decorations

Dangling bats, carved pumpkins, cobwebs, skeletons, a witch’s broom and all the classic decorations can really transform your hot tub area for a spooky Halloween party. It is best to avoid putting any decorations on the edge or in your hot tub unless they are safe like a Halloween-themed beach ball or pool float.

Ghoulish Hot Tub Drinks

Grab yourself a Lay-Z-Spa drinks holder and one of our hot tub-safe glasses and you can start getting creative with some Halloween-themed drinks. You might find inspiration from our hot tub mocktails or explore some of these Halloween drinks and cocktail recipes.

Scary Films With Projector

If you have a suitable white wall or a space to place a projector screen(or a white sheet), you can enjoy some of your favourite horror films or Halloween classics whilst relaxing in your bubbling cauldron.

Halloween Hot Tub Party Tips

Keep your hot tub water clean before and after the party or else it might really become the stuff of nightmares.  

- Make sure your chemicals are all well-balanced the morning of the party 
- Don’t get into your hot tub with face paints or costumes 
- If any food or drink gets into the water, you’ll probably want to give it a shock dose afterwards

Create your very own Lay-Z-Spalloween treat with our Halloween hot tub party ideas and keep warm and cosy.

There's nothing quite like a hot tub to provide the ultimate relaxation experience, and the Lay-Z-Spa range of hot tubs is perfect for achieving just that with something for everyone. But there is much more to a Lay-Z-Spa. There are many ways to enjoy a Lay-Z-Spa hot tub, from relaxation to parties to recovery to well-being. 


One of the most popular ways to enjoy a Lay-Z-Spa hot tub is simply for relaxation. After a long day at work or a long hard week, there's nothing better than slipping into warm, bubbling water and letting the jets massage away the tension in your muscles. Lay-Z-Spa hot tubs are designed to provide the ultimate relaxation experience that will help you unwind and find a bit of peace and quiet.


Lay-Z-Spa hot tubs can be used for therapeutic purposes, such as hydrotherapy. Hydrotherapy is a type of therapy that uses water to help treat physical and mental health conditions. The warm water and massage jets in a Lay-Z-Spa hot tub can help reduce muscle pain and stiffness, improve circulation, and promote relaxation and stress relief.


A hot tub is a powerful tool for recovery post-workout or after sports. Hot water raises body temperature which increases blood flow around the circulatory system and this helps to heal injured or damaged tissue and muscles. In turn, this helps with easing the pain or soreness. Lay‑Z‑Spa's HydroJet massage systems help to release tension and actively knead your muscle fibers, helping the recovery process. 


Lay-Z-Spa hot tubs are perfect for socialising, whether you're hosting a hot tub party or just hanging out with friends. A hot tub provides a relaxed and intimate atmosphere, where you can enjoy each other's company while soaking in warm water. It's a great way to catch up with friends or get to know new people, and the bubbling water and soothing jets create a perfect backdrop for conversation and laughter. 

Cardio Health

Using a Lay-Z-Spa hot tub has positive benefits for cardiovascular health and this is proven by science. Research found that using a Lay‑Z‑Spa hot tub can be beneficial to anyone with a heart disease or heart condition. After just 30 minutes, healthy participants had a very significant increase in blood flow as well as a decrease in blood pressure. This is beneficial for anyone at risk of strokes or heart attacks.


Aquarobics is popular for many with potential mobility issues due to the buoyancy of the water. Well, a hot tub provides buoyancy and is an ideal place for low-impact exercise. Low‑impact hot tub exercise helps with cardiovascular health, flexibility, weight loss, muscle tone, flexibility, and injury prevention.

Get Outdoors

A Lay-Z-Spa can also simply be a means of getting outside and enjoying the outdoors. With the heated water, you can do this any time of the year and it is even more beneficial in winter time when we are all inclined to spend as much time in the warmth indoors.


Sometimes a hot tub can be a means of disconnecting and finding some alone time. Whether relaxing, gazing at the stars or simply enjoying the moment, a Lay-Z-Spa offer the opportunity to just do nothing.

There are many ways to enjoy a Lay-Z-Spa hot tub, from relaxation and socialising to entertainment and therapy. Whether you're looking for a place to unwind after a long day or a fun party atmosphere for your next gathering, a Lay-Z-Spa hot tub is the perfect addition to your outdoor space. With a variety of models and features to choose from, there's a Lay-Z-Spa hot tub to suit every need and preference.

There are many ways to enjoy a Lay-Z-Spa hot tub, from relaxation to parties to recovery to simply disconnecting

Hot tubs and ice baths are two contrasting hydrotherapy treatments with different benefits and applications. While hot tubs are known for their relaxing and therapeutic benefits, ice baths are used primarily for their pain-relieving and short-term recovery properties.  

Benefits of a Hot Tub Vs Ice Bath

Hot tubs are generally considered better than ice baths for relaxation, stress relief, and hydrotherapy. Soaking in a hot tub can relieve stress, promote better sleep, ease muscle tension, and improve circulation. Hot tubs can also be used for hydrotherapy to alleviate joint pain, arthritis, and other chronic conditions.

On the other hand, ice baths are primarily used for their quick pain-relieving and recovery benefits. Athletes and fitness enthusiasts typically use ice baths to reduce inflammation, soreness, and muscle damage after intense workouts or competitions but this only works on a short-term basis and delays any kind of muscle recovery. The cold water constricts blood vessels and temporarily numbs the pain.

ice bath Vs hot tub

Why Hot Tubs are better than Ice Baths 


Hot tubs are far more accessible and convenient than ice baths. With temperature regulation, a hot tub can be used at any time of the day or night. In contrast, ice baths require a large quantity of ice and have no real way to control the temperature of the water so require much more preparation for use.


Hot tubs offer a comfortable and luxurious experience, with warm water, jets, and bubbles that surround the body. In contrast, ice baths can be uncomfortable and are known for their cold shock effect, which can be jarring and stressful for some people, and even painful due to the extreme cold temperature of the water.


Hot tub benefits to physical and mental health outweigh ice baths tenfold. Cold water immersion can help with numbing pain, inflammation, increase alertness by stimulating the release of adrenaline and has the potential to boost the immune system. Whereas, hot water immersion and hot tubs with their massage systems, can be used for hydrotherapy which alleviates pain and promote healing. Hot tubs promote relaxation and stress relief, help to calm the mind, ease muscle tension, promote better sleep and much more.

Adverse effects

Prolonged exposure to hot water can cause dehydration, overheating, dizziness or nausea. On the other hand, excessive or incorrect use of cold water immersion can cause hypothermia, skin damage, frostbite, cold-related injuries, and reduced immune function. 

In conclusion, hot tubs and ice baths offer different benefits and applications, and their effectiveness depends on the purpose and duration of the treatment. Hot tubs are best for relaxation, stress relief, hydrotherapy, accessibility and safety, while ice baths are ideal for pain relief, inflammation reduction after intense exercise. Before using either as treatment, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions.

We compare the benefits of a Hot Tub Vs Ice Bath. Both have a different purpose and benefits, but which is better in the long term?

A Lay-Z-Spa hot tub is a great way to enjoy relaxing and unwinding in the comfort of your own home. But, when it comes to the temperature of the water, what is the best temperature for an inflatable hot tub? Is there an ideal water temperature range for a hot tub?

The Ideal Temperature Range for a Lay-Z-Spa

Hot tub water temperature ultimately comes down to personal preference and it is best to go with what you are most comfortable with. Some Lay-Z-Spa users find 40°C too much, whilst others wouldn't have it any cooler. The average body temperature is 37°C, so that’s a good place to start if you’re not sure.

Most commonly, the ideal hot tub temperature range is between 37°C and 40°C. This temperature range is comfortable and safe for most people to enjoy a relaxing soak without risking overheating or discomfort. BISHTA advise that you should never bathe in water hotter than 40°C and Lay-Z-Spa hot tubs are designed to never go over this temperature.

Hot Tub Temperature in Summer Vs Winter

The ideal temperature for your hot tub can depend on the weather conditions as well as personal preferences. If it's a particularly cold day outside, you may want to increase the temperature of the water to compensate for the cold air and feel more relaxed as it warms your body's core temperature. On the other hand, if it's a hot day, you may want to lower the temperature to avoid overheating.

Safe Hot Tub Temperature for Children

Allowing children to use a hot tub requires some careful consideration. The recommendation is that the hot tub water temperature is no higher than 36°C for children and you should limit their time in the water to only 15 minutes at a time.

It is also worth noting that children need to be supervised at all times and that they do not put their heads under the water or ingest any water. We do not recommend allowing children under 8 years old to use a Lay-Z-Spa and especially not babies & toddlers.

Safe hot tub water temperature when pregnant

It is a good idea to speak to your doctor or midwife before using a hot tub if you are pregnant and using one should be done with caution and completely avoid the first trimester or first 12 weeks. Safe hot tub temperature when pregnant is 35°C or lower and for only a period of 10 minutes.

Consider hot tub temperature if you have a health condition

With certain health conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure, you may need to avoid temperatures above 37°C. Lay-Z-Spa hot tubs offer a range of scientifically proven benefits to health and even help with the above conditions but it is worth consulting with a health professional about the best temperature for your hot tub water.

Do you want to know the best temperature for a Lay-Z-Spa? Find out how to get the most out of your home relaxation by adjusting your water temperature to suit your preferences or needs.

Lay-Z-Spa hot tubs provide a luxurious and relaxing hydrotherapeutic spa experience, all from the comfort of your own home. This is all largely thanks to the power of water. Therefore, it is important to maintain your hot tub water quality and change it frequently. It is also important to understand when to empty your hot tub water and re-fill with fresh or what signs to look out for.

When Should You Empty Your Lay-Z-Spa Water?

Even with regular chemical treatment (we recommend ClearWater Chemicals) there will come a time when you need to change the water in your hot tub and replace it with clean fresh water. Sometimes the signs are clear, other times it is recommended to avoid struggling with chemical levels to keep the water quality and it becoming unenjoyable to use.

We recommend changing the water every 1-3 months and this depends a lot on the frequency of use and how effective chemical treatment has been.

Signs That Your Lay-Z-Spa Water Needs Changing 

Incorrect water treatment with hot tub chemicals can lead to a loss of water quality. Sometimes, water quality can drop even with regimented chemical treatment. But remember crystal clear water doesn't necessarily mean clean water. You shouldn’t always wait for any of these signs before changing your water, but if you experience any of the following, it is time.

  • If the water develops a bad smell 
  • When you lose water quality and it becomes cloudy 
  • If it becomes difficult to balance chemical levels
how often should you change water in a lazy spa

Why do you need to change the water in your hot tub?

With a hot tub, it is important to remember that you are immersing yourself in the same body of water time and time again. Each time you use your hot tub tiny micro-organic contaminants are released into the water which can lead to bacteria lurking in the water. Over time, as explained below, it can become harder to maintain the chemical balance and water quality.  The only way to solve this is to empty and thoroughly clean your hot tub.

Why Change The Water Every 1-3 Months?


Water can only hold so many chemicals before it becomes supersaturated. As you continue to add more chlorine, it will start dissolving slower and slower until it doesn’t dissolve anymore and it will become difficult to keep chemical levels balanced. Your Lay-Z-Spa water might start to get cloudy, you might even experience grit or scaling.

TDS (Total Dissolved Solids)

Over time, a hot tub’s water can develop high TDS (Total Dissolved Solids). TDS is the total of all dissolved solid matter such as organic matter, minerals, metals, salts and this includes chemicals too. This means that the body of water has reached its maximum capacity to break down and absorb any more chemicals.  

when to empty water from a lay z spa

How to keep Lay-Z-Spa water clean for longer

  • Always put the cover back on between uses to prevent anything from falling in 
  • Use a skimmer to remove any debris on the water
  • Shower before using your Lay-Z-Spa to wash away body oils, cosmetics, hair products etc 
  • Make use of the Lay-Z-Spa footbath so you don’t walk dirt into the water 
  • Change the filter regularly 
  • Hand wash swimwear in warm water, not detergents
  • Make sure you keep up the chemical treatment 
  • Shock dose after periods of heavy use 
  • Use AborbaBalls on the surface

Clear water doesn’t always mean clean water. Find out why and how often you should change the water in your Lay-Z-Spa.

The Boracay AirJetâ„¢ is the newest addition to Lay-Z-Spa's range of hot tubs with aesthetically pleasing designs, and it has some great features too.


Featuring a contemporary natural slate design, the Boracay is a compact Lay-Z-Spa hot tub that is perfect for smaller gardens, smaller families or couples.


The Boracay provides the ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation with its invigorating, all‑surrounding 120 Airjet™ massage system. It also includes a 2‑level massage intensity so you can regulate the massage power.


This smart hot tub's WiFi connectivity allows you to control your hot tub from the Lay‑Z‑Spa app so it is always ready when you want it to be and won't use unnecessary energy when you don't need it to. Using the app or the app's voice control compatibility, you can access and control the features.


It includes a waterproof protective top cover with an insulating inflatable lid which helps keep the heat in and stops any debris from falling in. On the pump, the energy‑saving timer, and WiFi functionality, lets you set the heating schedule to suit your requirements and not use power unnecessarily and Freeze Shield™ is ideal for keeping your Lay‑Z‑Spa set up all year round without constant heat running.


You'll find the hot tub, pump, top cover with safety clips, inflatable lid, inflation hose with a few attachments, filter housing and filter plus a ChemConnect™ dispenser. This dispenser is for easy chemical maintenance using tablets. We recommend the Clearwater Multi‑function tablets but you will need chlorine granules to shock dose the water.


Item Number:60175
Capacity:2-4 adults
Size:1.80 m x 66 cm (71" x 26")
Inner Size1.32 m (52")
Water Capacity (80%):669 L (177 gal.)
Filled Weight:696 kg (1,534 lbs)
Maximum water depth:52 cm (20")

The Boracay AirJetâ„¢ is the newest addition to Lay-Z-Spa’s range of hot tubs with aesthetically pleasing designs and great features.

Hot tub chemicals might sound complicated. But, in reality, getting the chemical balance right in your hot tub, and then maintaining it, really isn't as daunting a task as many assume. If this is all new to you, our Lay-Z-Spa Chemical Maintenance Guide is the perfect place to get started after you've finished reading this article.

You might be wondering what chemicals you need for a Lay-Z-Spa. In reality, there are only 2 or 3 essential chemicals needed for a hot tub. These are explained below. Any others will be to help with clarity and cleaning.

Do I Need To Put Chemicals In My Lay-Z-Spa?

The short answer is yes. Chemicals treat and disinfect the water removing any potentially harmful contaminants. Without chemicals, the heat, changing temperatures and contaminants introduced by the bathers creates the perfect environment for bacteria to grow and algae too. So, we do recommend using hot tub chemicals in a Lay-Z-Spa for your own safety and to keep the water in the best condition.

Starter Kit For Beginners

If you are new to chemicals and water treatment, we strongly recommend the Clearwater® Hot Tub Starter Kit. This is a starter pack of chemicals for beginners with everything you need to get going. It contains slightly smaller quantities but allows you to get used to managing the chemistry of your water. And, in some cases, you’ll find these smaller bottles will actually last you a long time once you have perfected your balanced water.   

What Are Essential Hot Tub Chemicals For Beginners?

lay z spa hot tub chemicals for beginners

Below are the 3 essential hot tub chemicals you need to treat and balance the chemistry of the water in your Lay-Z-Spa. Test strips indicate the levels of chlorine, pH and Alkalinity, so these are your 3 go-to essentials.

Chlorine: Chlorine is a disinfectant and sanitiser that kills bacteria and organisms in the water. It comes in various forms for hot tubs, including tablets and granules. For ongoing water treatment, you can add chlorine tablets to your Lay-Z-Spa using a floating dispenser, or the ChemConnect dispenser, or add dissolved chlorine granules directly into the water. You will need the granules when you shock dose your Lay-Z-Spa. It's important to maintain a proper chlorine level of 3-5 ppm (parts per million) in your hot tub.

pH balancers: The pH level of your hot tub water is important for both the effectiveness of the chlorine and the comfort of the users. The ideal pH level is between 7.2 and 7.6. You can use pH balancers, such as pH Plus and pH Minus, to adjust the pH level.

Alkalinity balancer: Alkalinity is a measure of the water's ability to resist changes in pH. It's important to maintain the alkalinity level between 80-120 ppm. You can use an alkalinity increaser or decreaser to adjust the level.

Getting Started With Hot Tub Chemicals

beginners chemicals lazy spa

Our in-depth hot tub chemical guide breaks down the different chemicals with dosage recommendations, routines and troubleshooting.

Confused by what chemicals you need for a Lay-Z-Spa or why you need to add chemicals to a hot tub? This is a guide for beginners who are unsure about hot tub chemicals and need a bit of help.

Having never had a hot tub before, Dawn Murphy and her husband, who both suffer from depression, got themselves a Lay-Z-Spa Hawaii in late 2021 and have it setup under a canopy in the garden. They created themselves a cosy space with fairy lights and they like to listen to music whilst they relax and unwind in the hot tub.  

Hot Tubs Help With Depression

Dawn and her husband both work for the NHS and have found their work particularly stressful in recent years, especially due to the pandemic. Dawn’s husband also suffers from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which is a form of depression that puts you in a low mood for an extended period of time during certain seasons.  
The couple has expressed that since having their Lay-Z-Spa hot tub, and using it to unwind after work, it helps with their symptoms and allows them to ‘decompress’ and ‘destress’ which is a huge part of combating depression.  
A hot tub is a sociable space too and social interaction can help boost morale. Dawn explained that she has had friends round on a weekend and they all enjoyed socialising in the hot tub. They ended up losing track of time and being in there all afternoon and most of the evening.  
Even right at the beginning, when they first got their Hawaii Airjetâ„¢, Dawn explained that the hot tub really helped combat cold & flu symptoms they encountered over the Christmas holidays. Catching a cold when you’re already in a low mood can have impacts on your mental health. However, the heat and steam from the hot tub helped with congestion and relaxed their muscles that were aching, as they often do when you’re unwell.  

Can hot tubs help with mental health issues?

Mental Health Benefits of Hot Tubs

Hot tubs are great for mental health to relieve stress, tension, anxiety as well as alleviate other health issues. One of the biggest benefactors of using a hot tub for depression is that it encourages your body to release feel-good endorphins making you feel happier and more relaxed and the best time to do this is around 90 minutes before bedtime.  

lay z spa hot tubs help with depression

Scientific studies have revealed that spending 30 minutes in a Lay-Z-Spa actually reduces stress hormones and anxiety

Spending time in a hot tub encourages you to switch off and disconnect. Removing yourself from distractions, and not bringing any with you into the hot tub such as a phone, you can sit back an relax in the calming 40°C and using the massage system will offer a whole other level of relaxation.


Hot tubs can be beneficial to mental health issues such as depression as Dawn Murphy and her husband have found out.

Are you looking for inspiration on how to get a bit more hot tub privacy? Maybe you think your neighbours might be able to see a bit too much or you simply want a tranquil relaxing space where you can escape from everything.  
Most UK homes have neighbours, some in quite close proximity. So, it is understandable that you might be looking to make your hot tub a bit more private.  We have put together some hot tub privacy ideas to inspire you. If you already have a dedicated hot tub area, some of the ideas below help you adjust the space around your hot tub area so that you can feel a bit more private.

Privacy Screening With Plants

The versatility of privacy screening using plants means that you have a wide choice. From Bamboo plants to climbers to shrubs, you can tailor your space to accommodate a variety of plants. Many of these plants require very little maintenance, they won’t impact the view of the garden from your house and will subtly create a private hot tub area you can enjoy in peace, whilst surrounded by attractive greenery.

Slatted Fencing 

A slatted fence or slatted screen can be bought off the shelf or can be quite a simple DIY project. This involves horizontal timber strips or boards fixed along a supporting frame with space between each board. This type of fencing is perfect in a contemporary garden and, because it is slatted, it still lets through light whilst creating privacy.

Pergodas & Pergolas

Pergolas and pergodas are popular choices in the Lay-Z-Spa community. Often on a raised decking platform, they make a great focal point for the garden and a dedicated area for the hot tub. They are perfect for adding mood lighting and can be made more private by letting climbing plants grow on them or by adding privacy screens to any sides with neighbours.

Privacy Screens

Privacy screens are a quick and easy way to get that hot tub privacy you want. They can be mounted to any surrounding areas that might be looked over and create a peaceful and private hot tub area. There is a wide choice of privacy screens available, from simple timber and wicker to more specialist and modern designs.


These are ideal as a pop-up hot tub privacy option. The great thing about a hot tub gazebo is you can put it up and take it down whenever you like. Not only do they offer protection from direct sunlight or rain, they also generally include sides that can be opened and closed as you please. This gives the freedom to have as much or as little freedom as you choose.

Purpose Built Shelters

If you’re lucky enough to have the space or able to convert an old shed or garage, a purpose-built hot tub shelter creates comfort and privacy. You’ll have a sheltered environment for all seasons and you can fully tailor the space with all the conveniences you need for your hot tub sessions.

If you're looking for more inspiration for your hot tub set up or how to get the best out of your Lay-Z-Spa, explore other blog articles about inspiration or Tips & Advice.

Are you looking for some inspiration on how to get a bit more hot tub privacy? From privacy screens to purpose built hot tubs shelters, there’s an option for everyone

If you have a Lay-Z-Spa in a known hard water area, follow the advice in this article to keep your hot tub in the best condition and help prevent the build up of scale.

Around 60% of UK households are in hard or very hard water areas.

What is hard water?

Rainfall is naturally soft water but as it penetrates areas with porous, rocky terrain (such as limestone) it collects particles such as calcium and magnesium which turns it into what is known as hard water. This will be the type of water that comes directly from your tap. Some areas around the UK are much more prone to this and if you have a Lay-Z-Spa in a hard water area, you will need to consider this as part of your regular maintenance.

Is hard water bad for a Lay-Z-Spa?

Over time, in hard water areas, calcium and magnesium deposits can build up inside the pump components, in the pipes, and around seals reducing how efficiently the Lay-Z-Spa works. If not managed properly, scale build-up in a Lay-Z-Spa can cause irreversible damage.

Scale build‑up around the heating element impacts its ability to heat properly. This will make it work a lot harder to heat the water, using more energy and increasing hot tub running costs.

What to do if your Lay-Z-Spa is in a hard water area

Firstly, it is really important make sure pH and Alkalinity are always perfectly balanced. If imbalanced, it can lead to scale build-up.

If you have a Lay-Z-Spa in a hard water area, we recommend a weekly dose of ClearWater® Scale & Stain Controller. Just 15ml (per 1000 litres) added directly to the water on a weekly basis will help prevent limescale building up.

It might be necessary to regularly descale your Lay-Z-Spa. This article helps to explain a couple of different descaling techniques.

Check If You Live In A Hard Water Area

hot tub hard water areas

It isn’t always obvious if you live in a hard water area. Sometimes, in very hard water areas, you can rapidly see a scale build-up inside your electric kettle. If you are unsure, it is best to check with your local water supplier.

Around 60% of UK households are in hard or very hard water areas. If you have a Lay-Z-Spa in a hard water area, here is our advice.